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Wow! von Nela, 21.01.2007, 11:50 Uhr:

I'm impressed!
Our page is getting popular... ;-)
Thank you for commenting!

heal Nela

I'm lost for words... von Sofie, 20.01.2007, 16:25 Uhr:

what should I say? Weird? But very funny! was very nice to read about you all...
Hope you will expand your website!



Thanks Aijaij for commending!

Am 27.01.2007, 12:08 wurde folgende Antwort verfasst:

I have to say "thank you" because you have visited our crazy page^^
I hope you'll visit us again, soon!


Öhmm..... von Elo, 20.01.2007, 15:23 Uhr:

Nice Page!!!! :D

I must correct something in the Dictionary!
Yes, Aijaij and I "invented" the saying 'Tumme Putte'...but I don't use it --> Aijaij uses it !! :-P

With kind regards

P.S. If you find some spelling/grammar mistakes you can keep it! ^^

Am 21.01.2007, 11:34 wurde folgende Antwort verfasst:

I just corrected it. Thank you for mentioning!!!

Love, Nela

Höhö... von Vivi, 18.01.2007, 15:58 Uhr:

Ähm, (for saying it with Chlupkas words ;-D)what should I say? Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love you all!!!

Am 26.01.2007, 17:06 wurde folgende Antwort verfasst:

Thank you for visiting our page! I hope you'll visit us again, soon! =)


Very Nice !! von Kyra, 12.01.2007, 15:58 Uhr:

des habter aber schee gemacht .. sorry I know I have to write english .. but .. ähm .. egal :P
Lovely Kyra

Am 19.01.2007, 15:12 wurde folgende Antwort verfasst:

Nobody can force you to write English... The main thing is that you can read it! ;-)
hdl Nela

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