Welcome to QWC - the Quite Weird Community - How it all began

How it all began...

It all began about one and a half year ago. We all had been more or less diligent pupils. But then it all changed. Our classes had been mixed up and we, Nir, Nela and Aijaij came into the same class. We knew each other not very good but sat in the same row. It was the last one, which helped a lot to develop stories like the one I’m trying to tell you now.


All in all our class was nice and we enjoyed being with the other pupils, whose names I don’t want to mention at this place. Well, but we liked to prattle about one annoying girl. The problem was, that teachers – as you all know - hate chattering pupils and so we had the idea to write letters. Not that small frazzles most pupils write to their friends. We took normal sheets. Because it was so easy to notice we didn’t use the real names so that someone uninitiated who would read this letters, could not understand what we we’re writing about. It was a bit like a code. We named the persons after the first letters of their names and so the girl got the name Salt.

This was the beginning of our legendary and still popular salt-letter.

By the way: Today we wrote our 1100th salt-sheet... :-)))

(That was long ago, we haven't written salt for half a year now^^)

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