Welcome to QWC - the Quite Weird Community - Home

Welcome to qwc - the Quite Weird Community


First you should know that none of us is a born English speaker.
We`re just learning it at school. So you can`t expect a perfect page without any mistakes.
But of course corrections are welcomed, as long as you don`t put us down for our more or less stupid mistakes.
We`re also doing this to improve our English, but mainly for fun - not a school project - and we hope
that you enjoy reading as much as we enjoyed writing.

This page is about the weird things we have made up since we got to know each other and some explanations, so that you get the point of them. If you`re also not an English speaker and
you have problems with words, we recommend you
But it`s only usefull when you`re German ;-)

If you have questions, so send a mail to q-w-c@web.de!

If you want to join the community: Look into News! 



Have a nice time at our page,

 Nela, Nir and Aijaij



I'm not sure if at least anyone will read this but i think it needs to mentioned:

 Nirly 2 years have passed since we started to work on qwc and of course the three of us have changed a little...

We've probably become much more adult, our interests and opinions have changed

and we decided that it's time to end qwc. We haven't written salt for nirly a year now

(of course we can't do without little notes - but which pupil can?!)


and after not having worked on qwc for quite a lot of time we resolved to stop it completely and found a new

page to continue online work, present ourselfs and bring in new thoughts.

We thank all of you that shared your ideas and moods with us and hope that you will accompany us to new horizons.

It's probably not only us that has changed... But that's what life is like^^


Love, your - currently very poetic - Nela




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