Welcome to QWC - the Quite Weird Community - Links


Here are a few links we suggest to visit


Aijaij's, Nir's and alyce's manga and anime homepage - www.jiajia.ag.vu

Aijaij's Page about her Story - www.lost-memory.ag.vu

Homepage of Kyra, a good friend of us - www.ferinya.de.vu

Homepage of a friend of Aijaij - http://palbum.nur-zu-besuch.net

Homepage of another friend of Aijaij - www.qiqi.ag.vu

Homepage of a classmate - http://hamsis-page.de.tl

Mad Homepage where you can get rid of your mad thoughts - http://dlv-d.de.tl/Home.htm

English-German dictionary -  http://dict.leo.org

A video taken in our chemistry lesson - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1PQcnUa3hQ

A little video from two of our mad class-mates about boring literature - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u4vrSvWyxE

Another video about silly literature - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ws_iJA2XPK0

Here you can do or create funny tests (as we did) - www.testedich.de

Want to create anagrams easier? Go there - http://anagramme.spieleck.de/app/neu?0

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