Welcome to QWC - the Quite Weird Community - About Us

About Us


We, that means Nir, Nela and Aijaij, are three students from Germany.

We’re in class 10 and we’ve been friends for 1 ½ year now.

Here are just a few facts about us:



I'm a 15-year-old girl and there are things
I like and I don't like to do.
I'm the youngest of us all T^T.
Things I like to do are writing salt-letters during boring lessons, listening to music, Animes & Mangas, drawing, my pages, playing the piano (sometimes), reading and computers - of course! And I like my family and my friends, too. =)
Things I don't like - or better: hate - are bananas *würg* and people who think they're the best and can do what they want.
I like to jump and most of my friends are scared of that. *g*
But mostly I'm a friendly person.

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I`m a nearly 16-year-old computer-loving girl and there`s not much I don`t like to do.
Some of my most popular things to do, (also called hobbies ; ) are reading, listening to music, getting to know things about Japan and, as mentioned, computers.
Things I hate are people annoying me and bananas.
I`m mostly friendly and tolerant, but in some points really easy to upset.

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I’m 16 year old and the oldest of us three.
I love to be creative and draw, paint, make collages or cut films with Nir.
I also play volleyball and work at my computer quite often.
I really enjoy speaking English (most of you won’t believe that) and I’m one of the main discoverers of the gingerbread addiction.
My horror moments are meeting my maths teacher (although I’m not bad in maths) and having to deal with vain or stupid people.
To put my opinion of Mangas straight out I have to say: I hate them! ;-)

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