Welcome to QWC - the Quite Weird Community - Members' Planets

Planets of qwc members

 Hendrik's Planet   Markus's Planet   Marco's Planet  
Maddin's Planet   Anna's Planet

Hendrik's Planet


Because Hendrik is a real motorbike fan he got a bike helmet shaped planet. The Rothaus beer bottle moons were another request of him.


Markus's Planet

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Markus got a deep snow planet with kicker, rail and almbar because he loves snowboarding. As a special he got a rotating snow cloud which brings fresh snow on that side of the planet on which he currently isn’t boarding.


 Marco's Planet

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Marco is a Rammstein fan what brought him a Rammstein symbol shaped planet. The laboratory flasks show his fascination for science.



 Maddin's Planet

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Maddin or Martin, who is playing rugby, is also a computer freak and so he got a joystick, CD drive and USB port on his ball shaped planet. The badge which says that the planet is not chaste comes from Joseph Heilmann, a "netzwächter" of the New Christs Mr.Hamsi and Maddin like.

 Anna's Planet

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Anna, a real bookworm, got two huge shelves filled with books onto her planet. Because she also likes taking films, she got her own film-studio including all equipment.



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